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Why Did it Fail?
Determine the root cause of hard disk drive failures!
Extensive test and analysis capability - all makes/models
Fujitsu, Hitachi GST, Samsung, Seagate, Toshiba, WD
All interfaces, all categories and classes

Drive Teardown and
Access to all applicable micro- and nano-analyticaltechniques:

ESCA, Auger, SIMS, and X-ray; optical, scanning electron and scanning probe microscopy (AFM and MFM); thermal imaging and mapping, etc.

Every analysis concludes with a Detailed Report
helping the customer to understand not only the root cause of failure, but helping to answer the questions:
            Is this the right drive for the application?
            Is the system design at fault?
            Are environmental factors responsible?

and most importantly,
            How to minimize future failures?

Over 30 years of failure analysis experience
on 1000’s of hard drives
for clients ranging from the Fortune 100 to start-ups








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